About Us
Bravo Engineering Solutions (BES) is a Technology Consulting organization helping green businesses leverage technology for their operations. In 2003 BES pioneer implementing Photogrammetry as an alternative to other traditional measuring methods.
While initially focus on manufacturing, since 2008 BES has been servicing the alternative energy and energy efficiency industry. In 2010 in cooperation with Accenture and Grid-Alternatives, BES developed a Remote Site Assessment technique to speed up candidate screening and quote generation. Now a days, this approach is one of the recommended solution by NREL to reduce soft-cost.
Driven by the costly and risky process of assessing roof-tops, BES has developed a drone site-assessment service that makes it safe and affordable for solar and roofing companies to obtain site information for their projects.

Mission Statement
To improve the business case of alternative energy and energy efficiency projects with safer more efficient and affordable tools.